JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes
Sun Life Financial hosts the Walk to Cure Diabetes every year for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) to raise money for type 1 diabetes research. We’ve had the pleasure of helping them achieve their goals for ten years running now.

The Event
The Walk gets over 35,000 participants across the country every year, and they had almost 1,000 at Stanley Park alone in June. It’s a lot of people, so we made sure to keep them pumped with great tunes.
Throughout the day, there were speeches, guided dance warm-ups, and live music running from the main stage. We got there at the crack of dawn to make sure there were subwoofers and main loudspeakers side stage, as well as monitors for the musicians and satellite speakers much further into the field.
With events like this and such a large area to be covered, we made sure to keep cable runs as minimal and unseen as possible – guiding cables under staging, cable ramps, and even around bushes when necessary.

Everyone looked like they were having a great time, no doubt due to the passionate organizers and volunteers. A good cookout doesn’t hurt either.
In all, the generous people of Calgary helped raise $130,000 for diabetes research. We couldn’t be more proud to be part of it, and look forward to pushing that goal even further next year.