Oops-a-dazy doggy doo and Fur ball
It is amazing the types of events that I get to witness, be a part of and contribute to with this company.
Tonight we set up a sound system in Calgary’s carriage house inn in one of their larger ballrooms. We had a full sound and lighting rig to enable a dog fashion show.
A dog fashion show?
Yes. That’s right. There are interesting things going on in Calgary. The longer I am in this business the more I realize just how much is going on here.
Oops-a-dazy, the organization putting on the event, is a no kill animal rescue shelter which was started in 2006. Since their inception they have saved over 2000 animals.
How it works is that there are foster homes for abused, found or reclaimed animals. The foster care persons have regular houses in Calgary just like you and me.
People can go online and see images of the animals that are in the foster homes.
They can go and visit the animal and take it into their own home if they wish.
I asked Brent from oops-a-dazy, and one of the foster persons, if it is ever hard to say goodbye to a pet. He told me yes it is hard sometimes but the upside is that when a pet he has been caring for finds a home, that means he has space to take in another pet in need.
We are proud to have been a part of another successful community event.
It was enjoyable to see the persons with all of their dogs.
I couldn’t help leaving feeling all warm and fuzzy. (and thinking it’s time to watch best in show again.)
This post will be updated with some shots of our set up.