One Yoga in the park – A uend event (Stanley Park Calgary)
We are pleased to be renting sound equipment and providing volunteer audio techs for the following event;
Sunday August 8th · 9:00am – 12:00pm
Location Stanley Park
42nd Avenue and Stanley Drive SW
Calgary, AB
OneYoga presents a fundraiser towards teaching hygiene and health care to children in Koinadugu, Sierra Leone.
Please visit thier facebook event page here
“More Info:
OneYoga 2010! This year bigger and better!
* Free
* Outside
* At Stanley Park- close to Chinook Mall
* 108 minutes of yoga to help end extreme poverty
* Registration starts at 9:00 AM, Yoga starts at 10:08 AM
* Open to ALL levels and ages…yes, families welcome!
* We’re targeting 1008 people!
* All you need to do is SHOW UP, PRACTICE YOGA and DONATE
* Tax receipts for all donations and sponsors over $25
* All money raised goes towards teaching hygiene and healthcare to children in Koinadugu, Sierra Leone. (
* We encourage everyone to consider alternative transportation i.e. walking, biking, and city transit.
*There will be a walk down to the park from lululemon 4th street. Please be there for 9a.m. if you wish to partake
* You may want to consider bringing: Water, sunscreen, and a yoga mat
* The best ways to donate on site is cash or check, we will have a computer available for those who wish to use credit; or save the hassle and donate before hand:
* If you want to raise funds and get pledges (like a run for cancer) please visit the UEnd website and register yourself or a team at:
A free yoga mat will be given to anyone who raises $100+ (from, while supplies last)”
p.s. if it is raining this event will be taking place at the multicultural centre.
The event was a success!
Here are a few shots off my phone.
We brought out four seven hundred watt yorkville speakers and four 500w qsc hpr121i powered monitors. They were positioned around the park so that people could choose to do yoga where they felt most comfortable.
The instructors used wireless headset lavalieres while a band played soothing music in the background.
Very nice.